4750 Yonge St Unit #330, Toronto, ON M2N 0J6

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Monday-Friday 10:30- 19:00
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Prosthodontic dentistry

Prosthodontic dentistry

Prosthodontic dentistry

Prosthetic dental treatment can either include fixation or removal. For fixed prosthetics, please review our crowns, bridge, and implant services. Removable prosthesis are procedures typically for individuals who have lost a number of teeth. These dental prostheses are artificial teeth worn to enhance a patient’s daily function (such as speech, chewing etc), and one’s smile. Depending on number of lost teeth, removable prostheses can be categorized into full or partial dentures. Partial dentures are fabricated in patients who are missing a single or few teeth, whereas complete dentures are full arch dentures fabricated for patients who are missing all upper or lower teeth, or both.

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